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Password Protect Flash Drive. The Secure Way to Travel.

Millions of people go to travel every year (one or even several times). And in our modern era it is difficult to imagine the life without internet and gigabytes of personal data: digital photos, personal documents and etc.

Sometimes it is easier to travel with the laptop, sometime it is not. For example, sometime it is more comfortable to have the lightweight usb drive in the side pocket and go from hotel to the internet cafe to send pictures taken from digital camera  to home.

In any way, it is always very unpleasant to find out that your usb drive is lost or even stolen! In this case any other man can find your usb flash drive and read your files.

So, it is always highly recommended to password protect usb drive when you travel.

Master Voyager software can password protect flash drive with strong AES 256 bit encryption and you will be able to use it on every computer. When you password protect flash drive by Master Voyager, it creates encrypted partition on the usb flash drive and places special autoplay modules to the root directory of the media. So, it is needed to provide the right password to get access to your sensitive files.

And there is no way to bypass this protection.


Next: Thumb Drive Encryption. How to encrypt >4gb usb thumb drive? >
< Previous: Encrypted USB drive. Why?
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Christmas and New Year Savings!

Christmas and New Year Savings!

Get 25% discount on Master Voyager until January 10, 2013.

Complete protection offer

Self Defence Package

3 product bundle (CD Encryption + USB Encryption + File Encryption + Drive Encryption) at a special price


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Compatilbe with Windows 8 and 7

Sending secured DVD

This solution is recommended to non-tec savvy users, or those looking to make a good impression such as when sending secured DVD’s by snail mail to customers or business partners for example.



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