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Master Voyager 3.07

March 25, 2013

We are glad to introduce version 3.07.

Now every drive button in the drive list has own popup menu with commands. For example, it is possible to erase cd here or format usb drive.

New ability to erase cd from popup menu

Now all blue popup messages are displayed on the same monitor (on multi-monitor configuration) where main window of Master Voyager is displayed:

popup messages

Additionally, we built new installdrivers.msi package. It is used to deploy Master Voyager drivers to multiple computers in local network. It gives possibility to open encrypted cd and usb flash drive in "on the fly" decryption mode on any comuter with restricred user account (non-admin account). installdrivers.msi  is now included into every instalaltion package and can be found in c:\program files (x86)\master voyager folder. Ask your system administrator to deploy this package in your network.

driver pack to deploy drivers in network

Moreover, we improved the New Zone Wizard. Its "Zone Size" page.

improved new zone wizard

Now it is possible to navigate between controls using keyboard only (TAB button). The resizing bar has focus frame. Also it is possible to move slider in this control using left and right keyboard button. Also it is possible to increment/decrement valur in "Zone Size:" field using up and down arrow keyboard buttons.




Next: Master Voyager 3.08 >
< Previous: Master Voyager 3.05.
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