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Using License Code

Since April 24, 2013, Master Voyager uses a new copyright protection system and does not accept old-style license codes used by previous versions of Master Voyager software.

In order to activate Master Voyager you will need your OrderID. You received it from sales@intercrypto.com when you purchased the software.

Please enter your OrderID to log in into the "My InterCrypto account": http://www.intercrypto.com/login/

The Activation Code for Master Voyager Software is listed there. Use this code to activate your copy of software.


Complete protection offer

Self Defence Package

3 product bundle (CD Encryption + USB Encryption + File Encryption + Drive Encryption) at a special price

Compatilbe with Windows 8 and 7
Multilingual Software
Master Voyager is multilingual software and its interface was translated to English and German languages.
How to change language of interface
Deploying drivers in network
Network administrators can deploy driver-only msi installation package in their network to provide ability to use encrypted compact disc/usb memory sticks under any limited user account in on-the-fly encryption/decryption mode.
Where to download installdriver.msi?

Sending secured DVD

This solution is recommended to non-tec savvy users, or those looking to make a good impression such as when sending secured DVD’s by snail mail to customers or business partners for example.



DownladThat site has awarded Master Voyager by 5 stars award!



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